Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What a day!

Well, yesterday started out really strange. We had a young girl show up at our door at 5:50 am and asking to use our bathroom. She had a boxer type dog with her, a backpack and a sleeping bag. Couldn't get any real info from her, but we think she was a runaway. Her dad and the police showed up shortly after she left our house and was headed north in that awful wind yesterday morning. We live out in the country so this is very unusual. After that was over I thought I'd settle in and get some book work done. Just as I was finishing paying our bills, my mom calls and tells me that my dad fell on the ice in their driveway and his head is bleeding and he's acting kind of goofy. This was all before noon. I spent the rest of the afternoon at the hospital with my folks. Dad should be released later this evening and he seems to be fine other than a bad headache. Hopefully everything will be fine.

So today I'm catching up on a few things and waiting for the UPS man to arrive with an order that I need to sort and deliver. I finished this project that I had started on Sunday evening. This is made using the On Board Ginormous Pieces. Yes, thanks to Jenn over on SCS I learned how to make words a click-able link. Yeah!!!! Thanks Jenn for helping a total stranger. Stampers just seem to have a bond even when we don't really know each other. Watch out now, I'll be linking to all kinds of stuff for you. And for those who don't know anything about links, when you see a word underlined that usually means you can click on it and it will take you to where or what is underlined. Make sense? If I can learn anyone can learn. Ask the guy who got me into computers years ago. Anyway here's what I made to show you today. Hope you like it.



Anonymous said...

Very cute calendar!

You are a good daughter to take care of your old feeble parents. Too bad you don't have any siblings to help!

Anonymous said...

The project is gorgeous. What do you use that looks like chicken wire? I feel for ya when it comes to elderly parents or inlaws. I have spent many a night sitting and waiting in hospital lobbies.
A few tips for ya; always carry a book, make sure your cell phone is charged, and have extra change on hand for the vending machine.

Anonymous said...

You finally got to use that really cool wire , very cool!I hope your dad is ok no fun at all.


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