Tuesday, September 10, 2024

OSAT Pumpkins, Pies & Frights Blog Hop


Welcome my friends to my first blog hop with the OSAT blog hop group, in a very long time.  My blog is greatly neglected and I'm sorry for that, if you've been a follower over the years  Life has taken many twists and turns for me personally with my family.  I'm fortunate to still have my parents with me, but the last few years have been a roller coaster and I'm too old for roller coasters. LOL!  They are doing good now and I'm putting my health on the forefront and getting back to blogging is part of my journey to feeling better as well.  Thanks to the great ladies on this blog hop for your hard work and also your patience with me.  I'm excited to get back to blogging.  I will update things on my blog soon, but I wanted to hop first and foremost this second blog in from the new formation of our group.  So here goes.  I hope you enjoy and that you'll take the hop by clicking on the next person below and I thank you so much for stopping by.  

I chose to do two cards this time since I had two card in my head that I wanted to make.  All the supplies used will be posted on the bottom of this post.  If you have questions, please let me know. 

For literally over 45 years when I thought of fall, I thought of my seasonal job at a private hunting lodge.  I worked there since I was 15.  I first worked with my gramma, then after she passed my aunt took over and I worked with her. She retired and then my daddy took over.  After he retired my baby sister and I did the job.  Last year due to my health issues and wanting to make some changes in my life, I decided to retire from doing it.  My sister is still working there and she has her bestfriend helping her. So for over 60+ years there has always been someone from our family working there and cooking meals for the duck hunters.  It's something we are extremely proud of and we know gramma Bessie would be so proud as well.  So I said all that to say this, I think of duck hunting when I think of fall and that is where this idea came from.  It was super fun to create and I tried to make them look as much like the Mallard ducks that are hunted here in the thumb of Michigan.  There are some pretty fall sunsets here on Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) so I though the Splendid Autumn paper fit this card perfectly.  I got pretty creative with my greeting as well.  What do you think?  (* I forgot to add that I used the Mini Alphabet dies for the word DUCK when I created the supply list)  Here is the inside of the card as well.  I did a little masking with the duck and the cattails.  I fussy cut a stamped duck on a post it note instead of using the die because I wanted it to be cut close to make the masking look better.

My second card was fun as well.  I hadn't used my leaf embossing folder yet so I knew I wanted to use that  and create some texture.  I've not used two embossing folders on a card that I can remember, or it's been a long time since I have, so I used the Forever Plaid embossing folder as well.  As you can see, I've used a couple new DSPs and the More Than Autumn stamp set and dies.  Just a really fun card to make and it was great to get my blog creating juices going again.  
Here is the inside of this fun fold card. To be honest with you I can't remember what this one is even called.  I use it quite often because it gives a little movement to the way this card is opened.  It's a great way to showcase different patterns of our beautiful coordinating DSP.  

Thanks again so much for stopping by and hopping with this great group that I'm hopping with and be sure to click on the next person in this hop.  Please feel free to leave a comment, if you are happy to see me blogging again.  I can't wait to show you more soon!




Product List
Cajun Craze Classic Stampin' Pad
Cajun Craze Classic Stampin' Pad
Jute Twine


Create With Christy said...

Your cards are wonderful, Renee! I love them both, and the Splendid Autumn DSP design you used behind the ducks is perfect!

Tina's Crop Shop said...

Renee, you are so creative! I would not have thought about using the Charming Duck Pond Bundle for duck hunting season! I'm going to need to borrow your idea! My son-in-law has recently gotten into duck hunting! Thanks for the inspiration!

Melissa Davies said...

Love your projects! The Duck Season is so creative!

Renee Ondrajka said...

Thanks so much Christy. I love that Splendid Fall DSP. It hard to know which one to use or which side. lol!

Renee Ondrajka said...

Thanks my friend! The duck card was so fun to create.

Renee Ondrajka said...

Thank you so much. It was fun to create with the duck set and use other colors besides the dsp that goes with.


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