Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Daisies

I'm trying to clean off my stamping area this morning and thought maybe I should make something using some of the odds and ends laying around.  These little daisies needed to have something done with them.  The cardstock is Daffodil Delight sponged with some Pumpkin Pie ink.  I used 2 (yes 2) of the new glitter brads on this card.  These brads really are rather pretty.  The little for you square is from a Level 2 hostess set Cute by the Inch. (Free with at least a $300 party)  A snip-it of ribbon laying on the desk along with them Early Espresso leaves and Scallop Oval punch and my card was done.  Oh I did have to run the Daffodil Delight layer through the Big Shot with the Square Lattice Embossing folder.  I've sort of been ignoring my embossing folders of late to see if I could make a card without them and well.....let's just say it isn't as fun.  *wink*

And speaking of Embossing Folders.  I have to share this lovely card I received from fellow demo Sharon Tisdale.  Great card Sharon and thanks for sharing.

Well I am feeling some better today so hopefully I'm on the mend.  Hope you all are having a great day!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Eat Something Cute

The last few days have had me down for the count.  I've come down with a bad cold I guess, but it has really kicked me in the butt, even to the point of not feeling like stamping, but since I hate to let my loyal blog readers down, I came to my stamp room and came up with a little something in hopes it would make me feel better. 

I found these cute little owl bakers here and thought I'd give one a try.  I also had wanted to use the cute hostess set Birthday Bakery since it hadn't seen any ink yet and I think the saying in this set is adorable, so I put the two together and this is what I came up with.  Want this adorable level one hostess set?  For just a $150 in sales it can be yours.  Even if you don't host a party, but place a $150 order this set can be yours.  Contact me find out more.

Well that's it for now.  I think I need to go rest.  My ears are so plugged I feel like I've been traveling in the mountains and if you know anything about Michigan..........well lets just say that really isn't possible. *grin*

Have a great evening!

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Concert and some Pumpkins for Sale

Sorry about not posting for a few days so I'll catch you up.  On Thursday night Frank and I were fortunate enough to attend a Collin Ray concert.  I have always loved his music and have seen him one other time in concert and was really excited when I heard that he would be in Saginaw.  He is an awesome performer and seems like such a nice guy.  Just thought I'd share a couple of pics.  The Temple Theater in Saginaw is beautiful.

Yikes someone should have spell checked his name!  LOL!!
 This is the ceiling of the theater.  Isn't it just beautiful?
This is the inside walls.  I just love old restored theaters.
Here he is singing one of many of his hits.  We were in the 7th row.  Good seats!  He had 15 number one hits in the 90's.  If you are saying, "who is he?" Well you've probably heard many of his songs and just don't know it.  He's aged a little since the last time I saw him, but haven't we all.  *wink*

Now for a little creativity.  I received this adorable little sign from my secret sister at church so I had to make some pumpkins to sit next to it.  Made them using SU punches of course.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Owl Punch Flower

Would you believe that this flower was made using the new 2-step Owl Punch?  I got this idea from somewhere.  Sorry I don't remember where.  I'd show you step by step on how it was done, but I don't have my punch handy right now.  I loaned it to a friend until her's comes in.  The Very Vanilla circle is made using the Top Note Big Shot die.  Cut it once the regular way, then turn it 180º and cut again and keep doing that until you get this shape.  Neat huh?  This is a 4 1/4" square card.  I actually put this card together trying to use up pieces on my desk.  They were all elements that I had made at different times and they finally came together to be a card.  The colors are Concord Crush, Blushing Bride and Very Vanilla.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Trick or Treat

I got this idea from my upline Linda who lives in California and I finally got around to making it yesterday.  Isn't it just too cut?  I love the little stand in the back so it can be displayed.  Now I'm thinking what else I can try this with.

The ribbon piece pulls out so you can remove the candy from the back and not tear your cute little treat cup apart.
Hope you enjoyed this.  If you'd like to place an order so you too can make these, please contact me.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Deck the Halls Star

I had so much fun making this star.  The 5-Point 3D Star Big Shot Die has been on my wish list since it first came out, but I just purchased it recently.  I think that must be because there are always so many things on my wish list. *wink*  So when my die came last week I just knew I needed to make something with it and so I took my Deck the Halls DSP and got to work.  Isn't it just too cute?  And it looks so elegant.  Who wouldn't want to hang one of these on there tree or anywhere in their house for that matter?  I used some more of the Waffle Paper cut out with the Scallop Circle #2 Die and adhered to a Cherry Cobbler Scallop Circle, adhered off center and then ran it through the Big Shot using the Vintage Wallpaper Embossing Folder.  The fan folded scallop circle was made by punching 2 circles using the XL Scallop Circle Punch.  If you need directions in how to do this let me know.  I added some of the Cherry Cobbler Seam binding for a hanger.  This is called seam binding, but it's really just like a ribbon and actually easier to tie than ribbon I think.  Oh and then I sewed on a Big Designer Button from the new Deck the Halls Buttons.  If you have any questions please let me know.

Thanks for stopping in today!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I tried to get this posted yesterday, but for some reason was having some technical difficulties.  Then ended up taking Brooke to redi-care since she hasn't felt good for the last few days.  They did some cultures and blood work and she's borderline with mono and we don't know about strep yet, but they didn't think so.  Just a lot of waiting yesterday and by the time I got home I was just plain pooped.

Anyway here is what I wanted to share with you.

Not my own original idea.  It came from Patti Lee.  I've been casing from her quite often lately.  She really has a great style.  Thanks Patti, again!  These were made using the petal card punch and turning them into little box/bags.  I put some of those flat marbles in them to weigh them down since I knew chocolate wouldn't last long in them.  LOL!  I used the Naturally Serif Sizzlet strip die for the letters.  Have I mentioned lately how much I love my Big Shot?  *grin*

Well thanks for stopping by. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Unwanted Vase

I’m so excited to share this with you today. This was a vase that I had gotten from a garage sale. Wish I would have taken a picture before the makeover. Seems I always forget to do the before pictures. Anyway this vase was originally red and when I went to wash it the paint came off. It just peeled off. I thought, hey no problem. I finished washing it and put it on the counter to dry. I had my heavy 12” frying pan that needed to be washed, so I washed that and when I put in on the counter to dry, guess what? The pan hit the edge of my vase and broke a chunk off. Great! So I’ve got a vase that the paint peeled off and now it has a broken corner. I was determined I wasn’t throwing it away. Not that it cost me anything, it was from a friend’s garage sale and she just told me to take it, but now there was a mission to turn this poor unwanted vase into something.

I hot glued some of the Chocolate Chip striped grosgrain ribbon around the top and then added some Early Espresso ¼” grosgrain to cover the little folds in the pleats. Now what to do with the very edge? I know, how about using some of the new Glass Glitter? I put hot glue on one side at a time and dipped it in the Glass Glitter. Now you can’t even see where the piece that was chipped was glued back on. Thanks Frankie Boy for taking care of that when I broke it. I thought it still needs something else, but what? Nothing too much, after all the ribbons and glitter should be enough, but wait. I know some décor vinyl. I used several of my circle punches and punched out some Chocolate Chip vinyl. There, now it’s done, but it needs something in it. Ahh ha!! Those big pick like things I had on the Christmas tree last year. Now what box are they in? Doesn’t matter, I’ll just start with the first box and go through all of them if I have to. Well my luck must have changed because they were in the first box I opened. Yeah for me!!!!

So that’s the story of the unwanted vase and here it is in it's new look.

I hope I've inspired you to take something you were going to throw away and make it a beauty.
Blessings and have a great day!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

September Make & Take

I thought I'd share with you today one of my September Make and Takes.  For those who have made these sorry for the repeat.  This card really shows how well the different shades of colors work so well together.  The card base is made with Tangerine Tango and the DSP is the Peach Parfait.  The large medallion piece is Certainly Celery cardstock and stamped with Pear Pizzazz.  The ribbon is Pear Pizzazz as well and the greeting is stamped in Tangerine Tango.  I love how these color compliment each other.

Oh what the heck!  I was only going to show you one card today and save the other one, but I've got some really cool things to show you in the next couple of days and I can hardly wait so I'll just show you the other card today as well.  It's Jolly Old Saint Nick.  I used the Holly Jolly DSP and some sticky strip with red chunky glitter.  Don't you just love bling??  A rather simple card, but oh so cute.  All stamps used are from the Jolly Old Saint Nick stamp set.

Thanks for stopping by and stayed tuned for a couple of neat projects that I can't wait to share with you.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Candy Corn Anyone?

Aren't these just the cutest?  I've seen these popping up all over the stamping world and knew I'd have to order some of these bags from HERE.  I purchased 200 of them and they cost me $12.95 including shipping.  They are cheaper if you order a 1000 of them. They would be $4.65 per 100 including shipping. If this is something you'd be interested in please let me know as I would be willing to do a group order.  If you needed me to send them to you there would be an additional postage charge.   You could make these for all kinds of holidays and occasions.  The ideas are endless.

Here they are in a little box I whipped up quick yesterday using the Autumn Spice Specialty DSP.

Hope you're having a great Friday.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Fall Goodie Basket

Good afternoon!  I've tried all morning to get this posted, but well, I've had lots of road blocks this morning, or is it devine appointments?  Any hoo.  I wanted to share this idea that I've been trying to get together for several days.  Our own Shelli Gardner made something similar to this, but hers were Halloween and I don't have any Halloween sets so I decided to use my current fav set Day of Gratitude.  Are you getting tired of this set yet?  I hope not.  I promise I'll show you something different tomorrow.  I covered a TP tube with the Autumn Spice paper, added some of the Waffle paper along the top (really helps keep the candy from falling out), made a handle using the new Ribbon Punch, added some brads and a XL Scallop circle on the bottom using Mono Multi.  Wouldn't these make great little treats at the Thanksgiving table or do them like Shelli did and give them to your special little goblins for Halloween.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Another Day of Gratitude

Happy Friday morning! Well we made it and it’s almost the weekend. I have a cake to get made today before my weekend can officially start, but I’m hoping for some down time this weekend. I’ve been pretty busy this week with canning and also some house cleaning. UGH! The good thing is that I got all my fall decorations put up. My house looks like fall done fell in my house. *grin*  I know I probably decorate way more than most do for fall, but I love this time of year. Maybe I’ll get time to take some pics and share with you in the next couple of days.

Now on to why you are here. This card actually came out of me just messing around. My Watercolor Crayons were in front of me and I thought I hadn’t used them on my stamps lately, so I colored this leaf, went over it with the Aqua Painter and stamped it on a scrap that was in front of me. Well one leaf led to another and well this card was born. I then took my Basic Black Stampin'Write Marker and outlined the leaves

Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fall Wall Hanging

Fall! Yes, I think it’s arrived here in Michigan and practically overnight. Last week we were dealing with 90+ temps and today……….well in the 60’s. As they say, if you don’t like Michigan weather wait 5 minutes and you might. *grin*.

Well Frank is gone to some schooling for his job. We like to call it John Deere University, but really I don’t think it’s called that. Ok, I know it’s not, just my attempt at humor. Anyway with him gone I can stamp and do what I want and not have to worry about the regular routine so I took some extra time yesterday and made this wall hanging. You will remember this one HERE that the kids made in VBS and I had a few of the boards left and decided to make something a “little nicer” with them. Well maybe not nicer, but more grown-up.

I covered the board with the absolutely beautiful Autumn Spice Specialty DSP. What makes it Special you ask? It’s actually thicker than the regular DSP and is more like cardstock and has a bit of a texture to it. I adhered the paper using some rubber cement. I had it from VBS and learned that rubber cement won’t make your paper bubble when you use it. The rest of the papers I used Snail adhesive. The letters were cut with the Big Shot. I stamped the leaves from the Day of Gratitude set and cut out and adhered them with a dimensional and covered with Crystal Effects. I love how the CE made them curl up slightly and gave them more dimension. The used the leave stamp again for the Pear Pizzazz background and stamped in the same color. Added my ribbon and it was done.  Here's a close up shot.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Peace, Joy, Love

Here's the card I have to share with you today.  Not anything real elaborate, but I find it quite elegant.
The colors are Basic Black, Cherry Cobbler and Very Vanilla and Wild Wasabi.  For some reason my camera just isn't catching the colors right.  I'm going to have to look into why this is happening.  I'll have to talk to one of my photog friends and they in turn will just say it's your camera.  It really has just started as of late and I'd like to know why.  I used the Autumn Days stamp set on page 118 of the Idea Book & Catalog.  The words are from All Holidays page 154.  Very Vanilla satin ribbon and Cherry Cobbler seam binding.  Here's what it looks like inside
Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Grateful Days

Are you grateful today? I know that I’m not some days and I also know I should be. God has truly blessed me in more ways than I could list, but sometimes that selfish self sneaks in there and I start to feel sorry for myself. Have you been there?  My husband is going to be gone to some schooling for his job this week and I’m not real happy about that. I hate when he’s gone overnight, but then I have to remind myself that I should be thankful that I have such a good husband that I actually don't like to be gone and that my husband has a job that he needs to get more training for. Ordinary days can be good days even though we don’t think so. I’m talking to myself here as much as anyone else, probably more.  This stamp set keeps reminding me that even ordinary days should be thankful days.  So here are my projects for today. Hope you enjoy them. Oh and yes, I’m grateful for you too that visit my blog. It truly means so much to me.  Hope you're having a good Labor Day.

Used the new Glass Glitter on the top with Sticky Strip.  Ruffle is made with the new Waffle Paper.

We can always be grateful for chocolate.  Right?


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Witchy Owl

Here is the card I've had in my head for sometime now.  I'm so happy with the way it turned out, but I'm not happy with my photos as of late.  My colors just aren't as vibrant as they are in real life.  Maybe it's getting time for a new camera or is it a new user?  LOL!  Anyway I had fun making this card.  Can you guess what I used to make the witch hat?  It's the small oval and the wing from the 2-step bird punch and then I punched a second one in black and cut a little snip it for the brim.  I used the tiny tag punch for the fence.  The pumpkins were stamped on textured cardstock and the background was run through the Big Shot with a textured plate.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Sunday!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Vintage Santa

Are you getting the hint that I'm really liking the vintage stuff that Stampin'Up! is offering now?  I can't help myself.  I guess I'm an old fashion girl.  Now I said old fashion, not just "old". *grin*

This is another easy card.  I've really been trying to concentrate on that for Christmas cards to give you ideas that can be duplicated in large quantities.  Here I'm showing you how you can even save paper doing it.  I punched out the Decorative label piece from behind where Santa will be mounted.  No one will ever know.

See what I mean?  I then used that piece for my saying.  To make the layer I punched 2 Cherry Cobbler pieces, cut in half opposite ways and then pieced it around the the DSP piece.  Makes it look like a layer for this new punch (120907) Decorative Label $16.95.  I even added some Chunky Essentials White Glitter to the ball of his hat. (108797) set of 4 Red, White, Silver & Black $15.95.

If you need any more details, please feel free to contact me.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Gratitude & Thanksgiving

The minute I saw this set in the Holiday Mini I knew it needed to be mine.  I love everything about this set and I love the DSP that matches as well.  This little frame popped out at me as I opened my "when I get time" drawer yesterday and I knew instantly that I wanted to make something with it using this set--Day of Gratitude.  I love the words in this set.  It really reminds us that we can be THANKFUL every day, even the crumby days.  I had a lot of fun making this and it took hardly any time at all.  Hope you enjoy it!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vintage Frosty

I just loved how this card turned out even though it wasn't the way I had pictured it, but sometimes things change when you actually start to create.  This cute vintage Frosty is from the new sent in the Holiday Mini catalog and it's called Jolly Old Saint Nick (there are 2 Santas in this set, hence the name).  The embossing folder used is the new Northern Flurry.  I love embossing folders and am having a hard time creating a card without using one. *wink*  I colored in Frosty by using a blender pen and the Craft White Ink Pad.  Swirled some Frost White Shimmer Paint over the embossed snowflakes and added some bling with the Self-adhesive Rhinestones and then stamped the saying and punched it out with the ovals and I was done.  Very easy.  Hope you enjoyed it.  Thanks for stopping by.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Day of Gratitude

Do you like this card?  If you do, you'd like it even better in person.  This photo does not do the colors justice.  I used Very Vanilla, Tangerine Tango, Cherry Cobbler and Always Artichoke.  I stamped the background of the card using Tangerine Tango ink on the Tangerine Tango cardstock for a tone on tone effect.  I colored in the stamp using the same colors of markers as the cardstock and then stamped the image on the Very Vanilla.  This card just says FALL to me.  We've had a hot, hot summer here in Michigan which is a good thing, but I think I'm almost ready for Fall.  I love to decorate for Fall and I love the warm days and cool nights.  My fav time of year.  And speaking of favorite things.  The New Holiday Mini Catalog went live today and it has to be one of my all time fav minis.  There is so much to share so look for many new ideas coming to my blog in the next few months.  You can view the new mini catalog by visiting my Stampin'Up! website and clicking on the SHOP NOW button on the top.

Thanks for stopping by.


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