I’m so excited to share this with you today. This was a vase that I had gotten from a garage sale. Wish I would have taken a picture before the makeover. Seems I always forget to do the before pictures. Anyway this vase was originally red and when I went to wash it the paint came off. It just peeled off. I thought, hey no problem. I finished washing it and put it on the counter to dry. I had my heavy 12” frying pan that needed to be washed, so I washed that and when I put in on the counter to dry, guess what? The pan hit the edge of my vase and broke a chunk off. Great! So I’ve got a vase that the paint peeled off and now it has a broken corner. I was determined I wasn’t throwing it away. Not that it cost me anything, it was from a friend’s garage sale and she just told me to take it, but now there was a mission to turn this poor unwanted vase into something.
I hot glued some of the Chocolate Chip striped grosgrain ribbon around the top and then added some Early Espresso ¼” grosgrain to cover the little folds in the pleats. Now what to do with the very edge? I know, how about using some of the new Glass Glitter? I put hot glue on one side at a time and dipped it in the Glass Glitter. Now you can’t even see where the piece that was chipped was glued back on. Thanks Frankie Boy for taking care of that when I broke it. I thought it still needs something else, but what? Nothing too much, after all the ribbons and glitter should be enough, but wait. I know some décor vinyl. I used several of my circle punches and punched out some Chocolate Chip vinyl. There, now it’s done, but it needs something in it. Ahh ha!! Those big pick like things I had on the Christmas tree last year. Now what box are they in? Doesn’t matter, I’ll just start with the first box and go through all of them if I have to. Well my luck must have changed because they were in the first box I opened. Yeah for me!!!!
So that’s the story of the unwanted vase and here it is in it's new look.
I hope I've inspired you to take something you were going to throw away and make it a beauty.
Blessings and have a great day!